Euthalia "Lia" Pontikos

Euthalia, known also as "Lia" or "Thalia", is the second daughter of a minor elven noble family. She pioneered the study of wizardry, the use of magic without any inborn abilities, and found the science of unraveling it so thrilling that when she felt there was no more unraveling to do, she created a spell to transport herself to another universe and start again from scratch. During her travels, she's picked up a hobby of categorising commonalities across universes, like frequently-worshipped gods and Elyria, an annoying assassin/aspiring priestess who just keeps showing up in every world she visits. She's also developed an interest in specialty liquors and sexual experimentation, often spending nights at strange bars to sample their stock and grant the bizarre fantasies of a lucky patron.

With endless worlds to discover and magic to study, Lia often has safeguards in place to prevent her death, and will use whatever magic is at her disposal to return herself to a more youthful form before traveling to a new universe. It takes a unique kind of detachment to live this sort of wanderer's life, and indeed Lia has a difficult time forming bonds with others. She is selfish to the extreme and rarely considers others' viewpoints. However, as a consummate pragmatist, she's found it's often easier in the long run to at least be outwardly kind and not break the rules where others can see. Currently, at age 1024, she serves as the Royal Grand Magus for a small kingdom, where she has taken on an excitable apprentice named Emma.